SEND – Our Local Offer (Summary)
A document setting out how we will support parents and children who have Special Education Needs and/or disabilities.
We strongly believe that each and every child deserves the best possible level of education, care and fun and it is our mission to ensure that each and every child reaches their full potential whilst in our loving, caring and supportive environment.
Manager and Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo): Claire Fagan
Deputy Manager: Lara Gregory
Key person – you will be assigned a Key Person when you start at ChipMonks – Your Key Person is responsible for day to day contact with you, your family and most importantly your child and for building a trusting, close and mutually supportive relationship.

- We will do regular observations and assessments of your child and if we have any concerns about their development, we will speak to you. Sometimes these observations show individual needs that we have to investigate further – we will always do this in partnership with you.
- All staff are fully trained to level 3 standard with the Manager and Deputy having further qualifications. We also support students and apprentices to come to Chipmonks to develop theior skills and learn good practice.
- We use the expertise of the Area Senco and Early Years Advisory Teacher and with your permission seek their advice and support.
- Reports from health care professionals such as Health Visitors, Speech and Language Therapists and Parent Support Advisors are welcomed and encouraged.
- We remain child focussed and all action will be in the best interests of your child.
- An Individual Learning Provision Plan (ILPP) will be designed to support your child’s development and will be reviewed regularly with you and other professionals.
- You will be invited into ChipMonks to spend some time settling your child in if appropriate.
- We will require information from any previous settings that your child may have attended and will actively encourage conversations with old Key Persons/Sencos’.
- It is vital that all people involved in your child’s care are using the same consistent approach to their care/behaviour. We will liaise with you in this regard.
- When your child is ready to move on from ChipMonks, we will make the transition as smooth as possible – working really hard with you and the new setting to ensure all information is correct and handed over.
- Regular communication and photos of your child are shared with you via the Famly App.
- If you have concerns about your child, speak to your Key Person in the first instance and then they will pass information onto The Manager/SENCo who will arrange a meeting.
- If for any reason you are unhappy with any aspect of ChipMonks please speak to the Manager or Deputy Manager immediately, all policies are emailed to you upon starting at ChipMonks and can be further available on request.
- Manager/Deputy Manager are responsible for writing and ensuring implementation of inclusive policies.
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) is on the agenda at staff meetings when necessary.
- We have made our building as accessible as possible
- We hold parents evenings and twice yearly Saturday stay and play sessions and the SENCo is always available to chat through any concerns.
- All staff at ChipMonks model good behaviour and manners and we have a comprehensive and strong, positive behaviour management policy.
- If your child needs 1:1 support, we will provide this.